Tuesday, December 22, 2015

ACEC Recognizes Garver for Colleyville’s Water & Wastewater Master Plan

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Texas recently awarded Garver an Engineering Excellence Award in the Studies, Research and Consulting Engineering Services category for work done on the City of Colleyville’s 2014 Water and Wastewater Master Plan.

The City’s large water-demand swings presented extreme difficulties to its water and wastewater system operation. Without a computerized model, the operations staff was largely reactionary to high demand events. In addition, new City construction and development was being implemented which continuously altered the usage patterns within the City. This often resulted in an unknown level of service for both water and wastewater services.

A major component of the master plan was the development of a water model. Water models are typically developed based on City-wide consumption records and housing density. However, Garver’s innovative approach combined real time data from the City’s main water meters, pump stations, and water towers with monthly records from each customer’s water meters to model the City’s water usage in Bentley WaterGEMS on minimum, average, and peak demand days. Once the system was modeled, Garver calibrated the system with flow test data provided by City staff.

This project gave the City a road map to future buildout, and exceeded that effort by also highlighting existing areas of deficiency and prioritizing all projects based on several mutually-agreed upon factors.  To find out what the Garver Water Team can do for you, visit our website here.


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